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English translation for "distribution station"

Example Sentences:
1.Code for design of railway electric transformer and distribution station
2.The electric distribution station automation technology develops rapidly recent years , but the technology lays stress upon 11okv and 35kv level distribution station
3.1okv distribution stations are often located at electric distribution terminals and the domain of accident influence is little , so 1 okv distribution stations automation technology develops slowly
4.The distribution station supervisory and control software system adopts the solution scheme based on the internet technology , therefore the software system becomes more modularized and open
5.This paper presents a new structure orient to unattended low voltage level distribution station automation , and designs corresponding configuring supervisory and control software system
6.In addition , because the geographic environment of the station is complicate , a low voltage distribution station automation supervisory and control system is necessary for power supply & consume departments
7.The high - voltage flameproof switchgear is a key apparatus for 6kv - power supply system in underground mines . the switchgear is used for supplying power energy to hv working machinery or next lv distribution station in coalface
8.Viewing remote operating condition of distribution station automation system at any moment can not only save client soft hardware cost and but also avoid the maintenance of client and the repeat invest in development software
9.The supervisory and control software system not only control the working state of distribution station electric device , but also has the function of remote maintenance and configuration to the electric distribution station supervise computer of the new structure distribution station automation
10.The electric distribution station configuring supervisory and control software system extends to internet through activex component and dcom data access technology , hence the software system is more open and easier to maintenance . the paper do some new exploring in the correlative domain
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